Monday, April 12, 2010

Horses-Dogs-Antiques & Collectibles-Writing-Weight Loss- Exercise- Staying Quit-

Horses-Dogs-Antiques & Collectibles-Writing-Weight Loss- Exercise- Staying Quit-

Horses-Dogs-Antiques & Collectibles-Writing-Weight Loss- Exercise- Staying Quit-

Horses-Dogs-Antiques & Collectibles-Writing-Weight Loss- Exercise- Staying Quit-

Thursday, February 18, 2010

staying quit--i'm still a quitter and so can you....

Found time to update this blog. It will be 5 months smoke free on the 22 of February 2010 which is 3 days away.
My darling nephew is a quitter too and I am trying to give him pep talks. No-one but another quitter knows the challenges and rewards.
So, after this long, how's it been you ask?
1. Great. I've gained 12 pounds. Since I was already overweight, and made it through the holidays, I am lucky (haha) that it's not more. I am nearly over the feeling of food is my reward damnit if I can't smoke.
2. I still have had occasionally thoughts of saying fuckitall, i quit quitting. But I haven't yet. Always the yet, right girls?
3. I realized what the best part of not smoking is: the freedom. I notice it frequently. Especially rewarding was traveling and not having to worry about the when and where of my next nicotine fix. The life of a recovering addict is tough at times, but also rewarding.
3. My doctor was glad I finally quit. He saw my weight gain, didn't care much, but looked at me and said "When are you going to start exercising?" He's so cute! As soon as it's warmer than 20 degrees outside I said. (I didn't mention I have a treadmill in the basement. LOL)
4. Cigarette smokers stink. It's really noticable when you don't smoke yourself.
5. It's nice not to worry about my next fix. But that goes along with the Freedom part mentioned above.

Okay, so that's all for now.
Just remember, my advice is twofold:
*The hardest part about quitting is thinking about it...the stress and worry about the stress and worry.
*Ah...If I can do it, anyone can do it!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


So today, I tried to combine my 3 blogs into one.
Not Just Horsing Around,
Reading Disorder, my book club blog,
and Through the Window, my diary of a quitter.
Not sure how it will all work, but

quickie updates:
1. I am still quit.
Yes, I still long for Nick on occasion, but I know he is a bastard, so I try to stay quit. I have replaced Nick with cake. Thank you Ricky Gervais for my quote of the year. "It wasn’t my fault I got fat in the first place. Cakes are nice and they sell them in supermarkets."

2. Still mud. No call back from the contractor. I moved the horses to sacrifice the grass field that has been used sparingly. I will sow seed in the other small field that is a mud paradise for early grass next spring.

Fortunately it has not rained for a while. Our midwest month of October had 23 out of 31 rainy days.

My book club blog
3. Just finished INK EXCHANGE, Marr, INSIDE MRS. B'S CLASSROOM, Leslie Baldacci, ready to start King's new one.
I have trouble keeping up the blogs with the books--I think there are missing titles.


Reading Disorder my book club blog HARDBALL

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Discuss HARDBALL by Sara Paretsky
Currently reading Paretsky's latest mystery thriller.
I am a big fan of Paretsky's novels featuring V.I. Warshawski. They are set in Chicago,(one of my favorite cities.)

Does everyone love to read books with familiar settings?

Posted by dianalmb at 9:17 PM

Reading Disorder my book club blog HARDBALL

Sunday, October 4, 2009
comments on HARDBALL
well, I did enjoy this book. However, in the interests of full disclosure, I had the feeling that parts of it were written by someone else.
It seemed disjointed and disorganized at the beginning. Then I wondered, are all Paretsky's books like that? I had not noticed before.
I enjoy mystery thrillers, especially as I solve parts of the mystery before the main character does. And it's especially fun when I think I have figured out something, but did not!
Paretsky came through in the end, and the last half was great.
I wonder why some her steadfast buddy mr c was so hard on V.I. though. That seemed out of character for him.

What do you think?
Posted by dianalmb at 10:21 AM

Reading Disorder my book club blog BANGKOK 8

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Finished BANGKOK 8 by John Burdett

First of all, my ultimate test of whether I consider a book "good" or worthy of my time, is the desire to read other books by the same author.

This one passes in that regard.

Although the Thailand traditions and differences are often a little puzzling, it is really an intriguing book with wonderful characters, interesting twists, great cultural lessons, and a fun travelogue to Bangkok Thailand.

The ending is wow, unexpected, and readers are left wanting more of Detective Sonchai Jitpleecheep!
Posted by dianalmb at 10:21 AM

reading disorder the absolutely true diary of a part time indian

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sherman Alexie: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
by Sherman Alexie
It is a National Book Award Winner and though shelved in fiction, I'm pretty sure it's a "true" story, based on Sherman's life.
I just started this book, shelved in the Young Adult section of the BOOKSTORE at which I am employed. Will let you know how it goes, but the first few chapters are superb.